
Friday 4 September 2015

Omg! School is starting

Hey guys its Adiva ! 

And omg my school is starting tomorrow ! I'm so not ready ahhhh !
anyway I'm pretty excited to see my friends !
My friends are so supportive and i really appreciate them helping me through my hard times, i have some of my close friends in my class this year yayy ! its gonna be so much fun I love them.

I have all my supplies ready i went and bought the entire pen department cause lets be real I can't have too many pens.

So i feel like discussing a topic I'm very annoyed about, 'Pimples'.
So this entire summer my face was perfectly fine not a single break out, but my face thought it was a good idea to start building Mount Everest on ma cheek. ughhh 
About 4 days ago I got 3 pimples on my cheek, couple tiny tiny of them on my forehead and one next to my chin. 
I applied some tea tree oil, the pimple on my chin went away the forehead pimples remained the same  the pimples on my cheek shrunk although I really ant them gone before school starts tomorrow, next to impossible ? yeah i think so too 

My backpack from pimkie ---->

That all for this blog i'll tell you guys how my first day was in my next blog!

I love you guy so much ,
Adiva x 

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