
Sunday 20 September 2015

Contact me + whats new ?!

Hey guys its Adiva !
This blog isn't actually a topic is particular I just wanted to give you guys my social media accounts and wanted to tell you guys about what i'll be adding in my blog , hope you guys like it ! 

Instagram - @adiivaax 
 (its private, send me a dm and say i came from my blog and i'll accept) https://instagram.com/adiivaax/
Facebook page -  Adiivaa's Blogs 




So whats new ?!

  • i'll be adding a 'quote of the week' every sunday 
  • i'll be posting a picture of the week every sunday
  • Im gonna do monthly favorites at the end of every month which will include my favorite picture+book and movie/video
  • i will be posting new blogs every twice a week 

Sorry I haven't been that active i've been really busy with school but new blogs would be coming up this week ! 

Thats all for this blog, make sure you follow me on social media to keep up with me !

I love you guys so much,
Adiva x

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