
Monday 14 September 2015

DIY organization

Hey guys its Adiva !
I know since all of us have started school we might just get a bit messy, throwing our books errwhere and getting really bored of the same old stuff in our room, So i wanted to help you guys get organized. So here are 5 organization tips and …. Leggo

1- So you want to be motivated each morning and you can do that by printing out some of your favorite quotes and just picking out some frames from anywhere you like (I would recommend Ikea, its affordable and their really good) And putting them in there and just put them on your wall !

2- We know that all have our notebooks,pens lying out everywhere and honestly I just get fed up of seeing them in my face, Go out and grab some stationary organizers and you could spray paint them any color you want, This way you won't be loosing any of your pens, notebooks plus it looks really cute on your desk!

3- You can create your own To-Do List by getting some colored cardboard, a frame and some dry out whiteboard markers. Take your cardboard and cut it as the size of the frame, place it inside. Now just take your white board markers and write down stuff ( Write it on the outside of course , The glass )

4- So if you have a lot of school stationary (pens, colors, markers, erasers, etc) and you need more than 1 organizer then grab a shoe box, some empty toilet rolls(depending on how big your box is, you will need to fill the entire thing with the rolls.)  , super sticky glue paste and some wraping paper if you don't like how your shoe box looks. Take your toilet rolls and glue them vertically inside your shoe box, let it dry then place your stationary inside it. You can now rrap your box.

5- If your makeup is everywhere and you just can't find it then a makeup magnet board is perfect for you, to make it you just need sheet magnets, magnet buttons or magnet tape, and a frame. The first thing you will need to do is glue  the magnets on the back of your makeup, next you take your sheet magnet and place is inside your frame. Now just place your makeup on your frame and you're done !

Thats all for this blog don't forget to tell me how your diys tired out if you tried them !

I love you guys so much,

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