
Monday 7 September 2015

First day of school !

Hey guys its Adiva ! 
And oh ma god schools have started ! 
I know I'm late to write this blog but i was just so tired and my brain wasn't working, my brain had the same feeling as when I get my exam 'blank'   JK !! 

Anyway i had such an awesome time !

I had some of my old friends and i was so glad to see all my friends !
Now thats the best part about school, meeting your friends. 

So my day started by my alarm clock buzzing 'ugh that feeling' , i woke up extra early just to reach school 10 mins earlier to meet my friends. It was so much fun meeting all of them I really missed them!

Its 7:15 now and we're all in our classes, we literally did whatever we wanted for the first 4 and 1/2 hours , we chewed gum, talked studied ICT a bit and we didn't even know where the time went! 

Its lunch right now and I'm sitting in class with a couple of my friends and just talking about our classes, teachers and who all are in our classes. 

After lunch we had to study ughh ,

we sat quietly and took down some notes, laughed a bit and I can't believe I'm saying this but it was actually pretty fun ! There were so many positive vibes from everyone and it was just amazing.

By the time we knew it, it was the end of the day oh it was such a great day ! 

I had a blast and I hope everyone thats going back to school had a blast too !

I love you guys so much and have an awesome school year, fill it with knowledge, positive vibes and laughter !
But most importantly don't forget to be yourself because
"An original is always worth more than a copy"

Adiva x 

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