
Tuesday 29 September 2015

How to decorate your room for fall

Hey guys its Adiva !
So its finally fall and what better way than starting of by decorating your room for this perfect season !
today i've got 5 tips that can make your room look more fall and….. Lego 

1- Now we all know fall is the warm accent sheet,cozy candles and fuzzy socks season and that brings us to tip 1, Candles. 
Candles are an essential to a fall bedroom. You could keep a candle of your bed side or anywhere in your room. Some of my favorite candles are the cinnamon, pumpkin spice and leaves. You could purchase them from bath and body works.

2- If you like to leave your coats around then you could get some wood,colored sheets/paint and some hooks. So you take your piece of wood and you could either paint it the color you like or just cut a colored  sheet in the shape of your wood and stick it on. Then go on your laptop and type whatever you want on a word document, I typed out 'sweater weather' now go ahead and print it and stick it on your colored sheet. Now take some hooks and pin them into your wood and then just hang it on your wall.

3- Fall is more of the warmer tons. Switch your bed sheet from that vibrant summer color you have to a warmer color. You can pick up brighter pillows tho, Walmart and target and cheap and they have pretty good stuff.

4- Cookies are so fall! YOu could keep a jar next to your bed and snack on them any time. I personally love the ginger and honey cookies.

5- Animal decorations look super cute. I have a model of a deer on my bed side, you could also use pumpkins, leaves, coffee.

Quote of the week, 

Picture of the week,

My favorite fall drink is the pumpkin spice, Whats yours ?
P.S- Don't forget to follow me on social media (links below)

Well thats all for this blog, I love you guys so much !
Adiva x 
 Snapchat- @adiivaax 

Friday 25 September 2015

September favorites !

Hey guys its Adiva!
Can you believe Spetember is almost over?!
It's been a month since school has started oh ma god, first give yourself a hug for surviving the first month !
And now for my favorites,

1- The mac 'Screaming bright' nail polish in gold

2- Emoji backpack. Now I bought this in London but you can buy it of Amazon or any website in your country I'm sure they'll have it.

3- Face masks, I've used the montagne jeunesse chocolate mask most recently. Face masks in general I feel it keeps my face soft and lively.

4- I'm in love with the virgin mojito body butter from the body shop

5- The Pink Bouquet perfume from Moschino

6- I absolutely adore the new sanitizers by bath and body works. The one I'm currently using is the Dazzling Diamond.

Now for my favorite picture,

And my favorite book -

And obviously my fav video - (if my phone were a person - IIsuperwomanII)

And lastly my favorite quote,

That all for this blog!
Tell me what were your favorites this month, and don't forget to add me on snap chat, fb, twitter and instagram (links below !!)

I love you guys so much !
Adiva x 


@adiivaax (snapchat) 

Sunday 20 September 2015

Contact me + whats new ?!

Hey guys its Adiva !
This blog isn't actually a topic is particular I just wanted to give you guys my social media accounts and wanted to tell you guys about what i'll be adding in my blog , hope you guys like it ! 

Instagram - @adiivaax 
 (its private, send me a dm and say i came from my blog and i'll accept) https://instagram.com/adiivaax/
Facebook page -  Adiivaa's Blogs 




So whats new ?!

  • i'll be adding a 'quote of the week' every sunday 
  • i'll be posting a picture of the week every sunday
  • Im gonna do monthly favorites at the end of every month which will include my favorite picture+book and movie/video
  • i will be posting new blogs every twice a week 

Sorry I haven't been that active i've been really busy with school but new blogs would be coming up this week ! 

Thats all for this blog, make sure you follow me on social media to keep up with me !

I love you guys so much,
Adiva x

Friday 18 September 2015

DIY tumblr room ideas !

Hey guys its Adiva !
I don't know about you but I'm obsessed with tumblr! So i thought of doing a DIY Tumblr room ideas.
If you guys tried any of these tips out make sure you send/ tag me on Instagram https://instagram.com/its_adiivaa/ And you can follow me on Twitter  https://twitter.com/its_adiivaa
Anywayy …

1- Those dangly lights are all over tumblr and they look super cute in your room.

2- Flowers play such a big part in a tumblr room

3- Pictures/ quotes are a must in a tumblr room, take your print outs and hang them on your wall

4- Prints always look nice on a couch in your room

5- Your bed should be stuffed with pillows

6- If you love reading then placing a bookshelf behind your bed it perfectly tumblr!

7- Your desk should look really nice too, you could add motivational posters some pictures and study material obviously. You could check out my back to school blog where i give you tons of ideas for your desk. http://adiivaa.blogspot.qa/2015/08/back-to-school-hacks-2.html

Here are a few more ideas - 


Thats all for this blog , if you guys tried any of these out send me pics (instagram and twitter links above)

I love you guys so much ! 
Adiva x 

Wednesday 16 September 2015

DIY Birthday Ideas

Hey guys its Adiva ! 
So if you have lots of parties to attend to this time of the year and you dont wanna spend too much money on gifts then here is the ultimate list on DIY birthday ideas 

1- Friendship jars, you have tons of reasons why you love your friend so just tell them by writing them and putting them in a mason jar! You could add a ribbon on it too 

2- If your friend loves her mani and pedi then you could gift her some nail related stuff. You could add nailpolish, cotton, Nail stickers, fake nails and even some nail art pens. Just throw them all in a mason jar and you're sorted ! 

3- Okay so this is one of my favorite diys. A diy pillow !, all you need is a pillow filling, pillow cover, transfer paper and an iron. 
Search up the picture you want on your pillow and print it out then take your transfer paper and place it on your pillow next just iron your picture onto the pillow and there you are ! Your diy pillow 

4- If your friend is very tumblr then a Flower pot is perfect for them, all you need is some arcylic paint, washi tape, a pot and some flowers. 
So you take your choice of paint and paint it all over your pot then let it dry. As its done drying take your washi tape and design it however you want. After you're done designing place your flowers in the pot and you're done! 

Thats all for this blog! 
I love you guys so much ,
Adiva x 

Monday 14 September 2015

DIY organization

Hey guys its Adiva !
I know since all of us have started school we might just get a bit messy, throwing our books errwhere and getting really bored of the same old stuff in our room, So i wanted to help you guys get organized. So here are 5 organization tips and …. Leggo

1- So you want to be motivated each morning and you can do that by printing out some of your favorite quotes and just picking out some frames from anywhere you like (I would recommend Ikea, its affordable and their really good) And putting them in there and just put them on your wall !

2- We know that all have our notebooks,pens lying out everywhere and honestly I just get fed up of seeing them in my face, Go out and grab some stationary organizers and you could spray paint them any color you want, This way you won't be loosing any of your pens, notebooks plus it looks really cute on your desk!

3- You can create your own To-Do List by getting some colored cardboard, a frame and some dry out whiteboard markers. Take your cardboard and cut it as the size of the frame, place it inside. Now just take your white board markers and write down stuff ( Write it on the outside of course , The glass )

4- So if you have a lot of school stationary (pens, colors, markers, erasers, etc) and you need more than 1 organizer then grab a shoe box, some empty toilet rolls(depending on how big your box is, you will need to fill the entire thing with the rolls.)  , super sticky glue paste and some wraping paper if you don't like how your shoe box looks. Take your toilet rolls and glue them vertically inside your shoe box, let it dry then place your stationary inside it. You can now rrap your box.

5- If your makeup is everywhere and you just can't find it then a makeup magnet board is perfect for you, to make it you just need sheet magnets, magnet buttons or magnet tape, and a frame. The first thing you will need to do is glue  the magnets on the back of your makeup, next you take your sheet magnet and place is inside your frame. Now just place your makeup on your frame and you're done !

Thats all for this blog don't forget to tell me how your diys tired out if you tried them !

I love you guys so much,

Sunday 13 September 2015

How to have the perfect backyard party

Hey guys its Adiva !
So im gonna help you plan your perfect backyard party !

1- So the first thing you want to have at your party are some snacks so the first thing you do is get a cute tray and get some jars and fill them with some yummy snacks. You could put in marshmallows, chocolate chips, popcorn, candy, fresh fruits or just anything you prefer

2- Pick up some canvases, paint and some paint brushes or even other supplies you would want and just give them to your friends and you could have fun art competitions or just sit and draw.

3- You want your party to be super lively so you could pick up plates/spoons/forks etc with lots of bright colors and patterns. If you can't find any plates like that or their too expensive then grab some wash tape and get creative! the best part about using wash tape is that you could decorate it the way you want.

4- Make a playlist of your favorite songs and listen to them with your friends.

5- Go on netflix and spend couple of hours watching your favorite shows or movies, If netflix isn't available you could go on putlocker for movies and watch series for tv shows.

6- Click lots of polaroids and just sit ,talk and share your thoughts with each other.

Thats all for this blog and I hope you can plan your perfect party.
I love you guys so much,
Adiva x 

Thursday 10 September 2015


Hey guys its Adiva !
Today i'll be talking about something that is important in all our lives 'friendship' 
Im so blessed to say that i have an awesome group of friends that I know would be there any time of the day if I needed them.

Sajedah, Lama, Sohaila, Farah,Saisha, Asli, Abeer, Haya, and Mariam I love you all so much and thank you for everything , Ilysm 

Asli and abeer, thanks for helping me ik that you know what I'm talking about. I didn't even have to ask you for help you just went and did it and oh you really helped me ! thank you guys sooo much ily

Sohaila, Dude ilysm we have had all these crazy moments since 4th grade and i'll treasure them forevaaaa! Thanks for being an awesome friend ! 

Sajedah, Sajeeeee okay i've known you since forever and i love you babyyy. you're my sister no doubt, i know i can always count on you for picking me up when I'm falling !and oh ma god all what we went through ! ilysm babe 

Farah, Fefeeee i love youuu, we've had so many fun memories to share all the way from 4th grade and you're the sweetest ever ! thank youuu 

Lama, Lmlm !!! I love youuu, I don't know you as well as the others know you but i know you'll be there anytime i need you ! and i'll be there for you too ! I love you, you gorgeous thang.

Mariam, Maryooooom, habibty i love you ! You're such an awesome person and i love spending time with you, i'll share everything with you ! 

Haya, Hayaaa, You're the cutest clown i've ever seen, i adore you and i like have to be you ! i love you hayaaa thanks for being there for me ! 

Saisha, Saishuuuuu Ilysm ! Jeez its gonna be a year since a met you and we know so much about each other ! 'big hair big dreams' oh that was a gooood day, sash we are goals i mean meeting Lilly together ?!  how crazy is that oh and traveling together ! freaking crazy ! i love you sash ! 

See i have such great friends and if you ever need a push then ask your friends, they'll always be there for you, you might not see them but they'll be there.

If you don't have any friends in that case just blend in and make conversations up with people but don't change yourself for anyone ! 

This blog was mainly for my friends, I love them and i have no clue what i'd ever do without them <3 
I love you idiots you guys complete me.

Adiva x 

Monday 7 September 2015

First day of school !

Hey guys its Adiva ! 
And oh ma god schools have started ! 
I know I'm late to write this blog but i was just so tired and my brain wasn't working, my brain had the same feeling as when I get my exam 'blank'   JK !! 

Anyway i had such an awesome time !

I had some of my old friends and i was so glad to see all my friends !
Now thats the best part about school, meeting your friends. 

So my day started by my alarm clock buzzing 'ugh that feeling' , i woke up extra early just to reach school 10 mins earlier to meet my friends. It was so much fun meeting all of them I really missed them!

Its 7:15 now and we're all in our classes, we literally did whatever we wanted for the first 4 and 1/2 hours , we chewed gum, talked studied ICT a bit and we didn't even know where the time went! 

Its lunch right now and I'm sitting in class with a couple of my friends and just talking about our classes, teachers and who all are in our classes. 

After lunch we had to study ughh ,

we sat quietly and took down some notes, laughed a bit and I can't believe I'm saying this but it was actually pretty fun ! There were so many positive vibes from everyone and it was just amazing.

By the time we knew it, it was the end of the day oh it was such a great day ! 

I had a blast and I hope everyone thats going back to school had a blast too !

I love you guys so much and have an awesome school year, fill it with knowledge, positive vibes and laughter !
But most importantly don't forget to be yourself because
"An original is always worth more than a copy"

Adiva x 

Friday 4 September 2015

Omg! School is starting

Hey guys its Adiva ! 

And omg my school is starting tomorrow ! I'm so not ready ahhhh !
anyway I'm pretty excited to see my friends !
My friends are so supportive and i really appreciate them helping me through my hard times, i have some of my close friends in my class this year yayy ! its gonna be so much fun I love them.

I have all my supplies ready i went and bought the entire pen department cause lets be real I can't have too many pens.

So i feel like discussing a topic I'm very annoyed about, 'Pimples'.
So this entire summer my face was perfectly fine not a single break out, but my face thought it was a good idea to start building Mount Everest on ma cheek. ughhh 
About 4 days ago I got 3 pimples on my cheek, couple tiny tiny of them on my forehead and one next to my chin. 
I applied some tea tree oil, the pimple on my chin went away the forehead pimples remained the same  the pimples on my cheek shrunk although I really ant them gone before school starts tomorrow, next to impossible ? yeah i think so too 

My backpack from pimkie ---->

That all for this blog i'll tell you guys how my first day was in my next blog!

I love you guy so much ,
Adiva x 

The Time I Met Lilly Singh AKA IISuperwomanII


Hey guys its Adiva !
So I wanted to share my experience meeting lilly singh, she means the world to me and I can't thank her enough for changing my life. I love you Lilly.

Lilly first announced her world tour at YTFF in Mumbai and i knew i just had to go! I started writing an entire book for Lilly and i only had a week to go. 

the tickets went on sale for her show in Delhi unfortunately i never got them because they were sold out, after a couple of days she announced that she was adding 2 more shows in Delhi so i immediately went and bought the VIP tickets. I traveled to delhi with my friend Saisha, Saishas mom and my sister Vania.

20th April 2015 . 5:37 pm  (the day of the show)
we're at the venue we're waiting for our turn to meet and greet Lilly.
omg the people open the door and there she is! i start crying.
I'm half way through the line now i stop crying.
okay I'm the next person to meet her and i start crying (again), its my turn now i walk towards her and she says "hi whats your name", i reply "adiva" the she says "wow thats such a wicked name i love it". i said " i love you Lilly" then i then hugged her and gave her the book i had written for her. we clicked a picture and then i asked her if she could sign her picture for me , while she was signing it I had a short conversation with her and said "i flew all the way from the Middle East to come and see you" she then said "aw which part?" "qatar i said" she was done signing the picture and she handed it over to me and i said " Thank you Lilly i love you so much" she replied "aw I love you too, enjoy the show" i then gave her a last hug.

An hour later (show is about to start)
The show is about to start and i was so excited ! 
i don't want to ruin the show experience for anyone who anyone hasn't seen it so i won't spoil it, tho all i want to say is that everyone should seriously go see her show its so inspirational and you'll love it ! it really is a show that can change your life forever. Lillys teaches you respect and how to believe in your self because at the end its not your friends its not your parents or family it all comes to you and how you can change your life. her show has ton of funny moments to it but there also is a really deep, sentimental moment too. You have to watch the show its awesome !!

"Happiness is the only thing worth fighting for in your life" - Lilly Singh 

So that was my experience meeting Lilly, if you went for AT2UI share your experience with me in the comments below ! 

I love you guys so much,
Adiva x