
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Christmas Ideas ! (Christmas Series part 1)

Hey guys its Adiva !
Yayyyy Its almost Christmas! And i've decided to post a Christmas Series !! So basically until the 24th december I'll be posting blogs related to Christmas,
me so exited 

1- A Christmas sweater is is a must

2- You could hang Elsa, Anna and Olaf on your tree this year ! (you could get them from Amazon)

3- Christmas Candles, Now you could always just get plain red candles and it would still look super cute!

4- Cookies !!! This is literally the best time of the year to make cookies because they just look super cute and cozy. Idk I just love cookies

5- Gifts ! Now if you're broke like me and can't buy 50 presents just to pit under the tree then all you could do is get a shoe box and wrap some wrapping paper on it and put it under your tree !

6- Stockings, Its a classic y'all

7- You could get little snow mans and hang them outside your room/house. They look super cute

8- This is only if you have a pet… Sorry non pet people. Okay fine just get a stuff toy and put a sweater on to them

9- These reindeer model is just so cute ! You could put it on your dresser or even on your bed side table

10- A Christmasy themed house is always cute. You could get red sheets and white pillows, Mistletoes and A tree

Thats all for this blog !
If you liked it make sure you tell me on social media (links below)
Follow my Instagram, Its pretty cool (lol not)
Anyway I love you guys so much !
Adiva x 

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