
Wednesday 23 December 2015

DIY fake snow ! 5 different ways (Christmas series part 3)

Hey guys its Adiva !

Christmas is so soon ! I have my Christmas tree up and its decorated and err thang is so Christmassy and all the stores have ugly Christmas and just ahhhh. Okay I'm done.

So if you live in a place where it doesn't snow and you're desperate to build a snow man then don't worry i've got 5 ways of making snow!

1- The first method is to buy a snow spray, I know thats not a diy but its a fast and cheap way of having snow. It does have some cons tho, It won't last long. Max it'll last is for about 5-7 mins. After all it is made out of water and soap.

2- The second thing you could do is make snow by using paper towels ! You'll need a bunch of paper towels, make sure they're damp. Put them in a food processor/mixer until they are in small pieces, although they shouldn't be in too small pieces.

3- Have you ever thought of using sea salt to make snow? Well you could! All you need is coarse sea salt, thats basically sea salt but with thicker grains. Just get some of that in your hand and sprinkle it anywhere you like !

4- If you don't want to go out and buy sea salt you could also just use sugar, it works perfectly fine. And it tastes good too ! (Yes its edible) 

5- You could also make snow from baking soda, all you need is a cup of baking soda add that to a bowl and add a tea spoon of water time and time again. Keep mixing it with a fork. Add as much water as you think it would need, If you're making more than one cup of snow you'll need to add water more frequently. Don't forget to keep mixing it until you get the perfect 'snow' consistency.

Thats all for this blog !
If you tried any of those methods out then make sure to send me a pic ! (social media links below)
 I love you guys so much,
Adiva x

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