
Wednesday 25 November 2015

20 things to do when you're bored

Hey guys it's Adiva !
Now if you're like me and you're always bored then don't worry ! I've come up with 20 things to do when you're bored.

1- Make some diys, you could always check out mine by clicking here !

2- Bake

3- watch a tv series

4- Shop. Either online or at the mall

5- Go on tumblr, I swear the times flies when you're on it

6- Do your nails

7- FaceTime someone

8- Check what you're fav celebs are up to these days

9- Make a scrap book

10- Clean up you're room maybe ?

11- Make a playlist of all your fav songs

12- Learn how to play a new instrument

13- Have a mini photo shoot with some friends

14- Make an album of all your fav pics

15- Write down a list of things you want to do

16- Re decorate your room

17- If you have a pet spend some time with them

18- Have a spa night

19- Make event cards in advance

20- Read a magazine

Thats all for this blog !

Now for my weekly quote- 

Weekly Picture- 

Thats all, 
If you tried these out then  please tell me on social media (links below) because I'm working extremely hard on these blogs. Im very busy and have a minimum amount of time to write these. Please be patient with me I know i've been all over the place with my posts. 

I love you guys so much,
Adiva x  

Instagram - https://instagram.com/adiivaax/
 Snapchat- @adiivaax 

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