
Wednesday 4 May 2016

School life hacks

Hey guys its Adiva!
Finals are coming up so I thought of doing school life hacks! If you liked it make sure to tell me (social media links below) Oh and I recently made a musical.ly account so if you wanna check out my musicals make sure to follow me there! (@adiivaax)

1- Use scholar.google.com instead of google for accurate search.

2- Stop buying textbooks! Go on these websites to get them for free.

3-Stressing over a test? Smell an orange, smelling an orang can reduce stress by 70%

4-You can remember the value of pi by counting each words letters in, 'May I have a large container of coffee'

5-This one you might say is pretty basic but it really helps save time in the morning, Pick your outfit and hairstyle at night. Thats all. Just do it.

6-if you're writing an essay copy and paste the essay into google translate and let them read it out for you, it's easier to spot mistakes that way.

7-Im sure you've got a chapstick in your locker, you can use that to cure paper cuts. 

8-You can now remember the 9 times table really easily! 

Thats all for this blog! 
Im sorry I haven't been active, I've been studying a lot and I'm left with no time to write. Please tell me what to write about next because I have no idea. Also make sure to follow me on musical.ly !

I love you guys so much,
Adiva x 

Instagram - https://instagram.com/adiivaaxx/
Facebook - / https://www.facebook.com/adiivaasblogs/
 Snapchat- @adiivaax
Musical.ly - @adiivaax 

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