
Wednesday 4 May 2016

School life hacks

Hey guys its Adiva!
Finals are coming up so I thought of doing school life hacks! If you liked it make sure to tell me (social media links below) Oh and I recently made a musical.ly account so if you wanna check out my musicals make sure to follow me there! (@adiivaax)

1- Use scholar.google.com instead of google for accurate search.

2- Stop buying textbooks! Go on these websites to get them for free.

3-Stressing over a test? Smell an orange, smelling an orang can reduce stress by 70%

4-You can remember the value of pi by counting each words letters in, 'May I have a large container of coffee'

5-This one you might say is pretty basic but it really helps save time in the morning, Pick your outfit and hairstyle at night. Thats all. Just do it.

6-if you're writing an essay copy and paste the essay into google translate and let them read it out for you, it's easier to spot mistakes that way.

7-Im sure you've got a chapstick in your locker, you can use that to cure paper cuts. 

8-You can now remember the 9 times table really easily! 

Thats all for this blog! 
Im sorry I haven't been active, I've been studying a lot and I'm left with no time to write. Please tell me what to write about next because I have no idea. Also make sure to follow me on musical.ly !

I love you guys so much,
Adiva x 

Instagram - https://instagram.com/adiivaaxx/
Facebook - / https://www.facebook.com/adiivaasblogs/
 Snapchat- @adiivaax
Musical.ly - @adiivaax 

Sunday 1 May 2016

15 ultimate lush bath bombs + bubble bars

Hey guys its Adiva ! 
I'm in love with lush, but I'm particularly in love with their bath bombs. So I came up with a list of the ultimate 15 lush bath bombs. 


1- Granny takes a dip. 
This bubble bar is one of my favorites ! Its so colorful and just looks so pretty, it's definitely something everyone should try. 

2- Karma.
Okay this bubble bar looks so bomb ! I love the colors, purpley haze with orange and a gold top. It just looks so perfect. 

3- Sunny side.
Damn this bubble bar is sparkly! Okay so its a really good bath bomb and it looks super pretty in the tub, its just gold everywhere! although the end result… well its not quite pretty. This will leave your shower with gold bits but if you're ready to clean it then yes go out and buy this because its gorgeous.

4- The comforter.
This bubble bar is also a purple one, with white tho. So basically its a berry bath bomb, can I just say that its smells so good! Its that fruity smell but its not sweet. Im really bad at explaining, basically it smells like a lot of black berries. If you're not a fruity person then maybe this isn't for you. 

5- Big Bang.
This is just everything and more. First can I just say it looks like the sky, yes the sky I don't know any other way to describe it stop judging. It has two pink stars in the middle and the rest of the ball is blue and it has yellow dots on the corners. ahhh Its just so pretty and smells like lemon, so for those who don't wanna get the comforter because of its sweet scent then go get this one!

6- Magic wand.
This bubble bar is one the cutest bubble bars i've ever seen, Its a sparkly pink (which yes will leave your tub sparkly), and is in a shape of a wand. Its just so cute ! 

7- The experimenter. 
This bath bomb looks is just so colorful! It's mixed with beautiful blues, pinks and yellows. Its just so pretty oh ma god. Its a very sweet scented bath bomb, it smells like candy floss and vanilla idk. Its just really good. 

8- Big blue.
Now this bath bomb looks very calm, just like the ocean. It doesn't have crazy colors on it. Its just a simple white with blue borders. I really liked the simplicity of it and it smells really good. 

9- Twilight. 
Okay so I own this bath bomb but I haven't used it as yet. My friends used it and they said it smells of lavender which I know I would really love. Appearance wise its pretty cool looking, it has moons and stars made on it and its this pinkish purplish colour which I love. 

10- Ickle baby bot.
This bath bomb looks like a robot. Yes a robot, How cool is that !
This bath bomb I'm not gonna lie, it does make you sleepy. Not that the others don't this just makes you way more sleeper than the rest. Again it has that lavender scent to it which is wonderful! I absolutely love this one. 

11- Frozen. 
Yes now we're Olaf. 
Ahh this bath bomb is so cool, I really like the name itself but even appearance wise its got shades of blue which is very cool, I love how the colors blend with each other. Scent wise its okay, nothing too great but its a still a good bath bomb. 

Thats all for this blog, 
Tell me which one of those products you love, (social media links below)

I love you guys so much,
Adiva x 

Instagram - https://instagram.com/adiivaaxx/
Facebook - / https://www.facebook.com/adiivaasblogs/
 Snapchat- @adiivaax
Musical.ly - @adiivaax 

Pinterest beauty hacks- that actually work !

Hey guys its Adiva!
I told you I'm gonna be back with ton of new awesome ideas. So here I am with 5 pinterest beauty  hacks that actually work !

1- Want your eyes to look bigger?
Well all you need to do is use some white shadow in the corner of your eye. This really works, You just need to dab a little of the product on your pinky and apply it in corners of your eyes.

2- Cracked another pot of eye shadow? I know I feel you.
All you need is some rubbing alcohol and a spoon.
Take the rubbing alcohol and put about 3-5 drops of it into the eye shadow pot then mix and smooth it out with a spoon (you could use a coin for this too)

3- Wanna naturally lighten your hair ?
all you need to do is take lemon juice, put it into a spray bottle and spray it out onto your hair then go sit out in the sun for about 2 hours. Don't sit out for very long because that will damage your hair. This method is proven to work, you see the lemon has acid in it which reacts with the heat so it lightens your hair. Don't worry this is safe.

4- Do you have major dark under eye circles ? 
Don't worry there's a way to fix it. Well temporarily. Use red lipstick instead of concealer for those dark circles. Just take the lipstick and make a triangle under you eye then go ahead and blend, trust me this sounds crazy but it works.

5- Want fuller lashes ? 
Grap some petroleum jelly or castor oil and put it on your lashes, you'll start noticing that your lashes have grown longer and look fuller. This does take around 2-4 weeks for results to start showing, just be patient because its gonna be worth it. 

Thats all for this blog!
I hope you guys enjoyed these pinterest hacks, I am not taking credit for any of this I didn't come up with any of these, Credit goes to all those amazing people that come up with these ideas for me to share with you! 
If you guys tried those hacks out make sure to tell me (social media links below)

Anyway I love you guys so much,
Adiva x 

Instagram - https://instagram.com/adiivaaxx/
Facebook - / https://www.facebook.com/adiivaasblogs/
 Snapchat- @adiivaax
Musical.ly - @adiivaax 

Life hacks tested !

Hey guys its Adiva !
We all could save a little time, so I went on pinterest and tested out some life hacks that could possibly help you in future !

1- Have you ever got permeant marker where you wish you hadn't got it on? well if the marker gets onto your clothes, skin or walls all you need is hand sanitizer. (use it immediately otherwise it won't affect as much)
Also if your teacher accidentally uses permanent marker on the white board you could be their favorite student by helping them out! just tell them go over the permanent marker with white board marker then take a tissue and rub it. Ta daaa you're their favorite student now ! lol 

2- Want to download a youtube video? Click on the video and add ss in the url after www.
 For example - www.ssyoutube.com 
It will then take you to a webpage. Now all you need to press is download. 

3- You could make your own lip gloss by taking some blush or eye shadow and mixing it with lip balm. Just scrape a little bit of the product (depends on how much gloss you want) and add that to a bowl then mix it with a lip balm. (If your lip balm is a stick then cut a bit of it and melt it until its a liquid consistency) 

4- If your drink doesn't have a lid then you just need the glad press & seal, put one of those onto your drink as you would put a lid on and punch a straw through it. The best part of this hack is that it's leak proof ! 

5- Hate sand on your feet? Just get some baby powder and apply it on your feet, it'll dust the sand off really easily. 

Thats all for this blog ! 
If you tested any of these out then make sure to send me pictures ! (Social media links below) 

I love you guys so much, 
Adiva x 

Instagram - https://instagram.com/adiivaaxx/
Facebook - / https://www.facebook.com/adiivaasblogs/
 Snapchat- @adiivaax
Musical.ly - @adiivaax 

Tumblr sweatshirts

Hey guys its Adiva ! 
Today I was deciding what to wear and then looked at my pile of sweatshirts and then bam!  It gave me an idea, I told myself why not write a blog about tumblr sweatshirts. So here it is… Tumblr sweatshirts!













Thats all for this blog!
I know this one was short but I hope you still ideas. 
Make sure to add me on social media (links below) 

I love you guys so much, 
Adiva x 

Instagram - https://instagram.com/adiivaaxx/
Facebook - / https://www.facebook.com/adiivaasblogs/
 Snapchat- @adiivaax
Musical.ly - @adiivaax