
Saturday 23 July 2016

5 Travel hacks !

Hey guys its Adiva!
Since its summer I know most of you will be traveling so I thought why not make your life easier by giving you some travel hacks!

1- Roll your clothes instead of folding them.
This will prevent your clothes from getting wrinkly, it'll save you time since you won't have to bother about ironing it.

2- Keep cotton balls in your cosmetics to prevent them from breaking.
The cotton balls will act like a shield for your makeup.

3- Carry rubbing alcohol with you.
If you don't wanna wanna put cotton in your makeup and by chance your makeup cracks just put rubbing alcohol in it and let it dry, it'll be good as new. You can also use rubbing alcohol to disinfect things so you won't end up with any disease while you're on vaca.

4- Use a binder clip as a razor cover.
If your razor is just lying around somewhere in your bag there's a very likely chance that when you're shuffling around your bag you might get cut but if you put a binder clip on it acts as a cover for the razor, just place it on the blade you're good.

5- Put bobby pins in a tic tac container.
This will help keep in keeping all the bobby bins together because we all know that bobby pins grow legs and disappear, I swear I can never find them, oh and the bobby pins fit perfectly in the container.

Thats all for this blog!
Make sure to tell me if you tried any of these hacks (social media links below)

I love you guys so much,
Adiva x

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Facebook - / https://www.facebook.com/adiivaasblogs/
 Snapchat- @adiivaax
Musical.ly - @adiivaax 

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