
Monday 31 August 2015

Back to school hacks #2

Hey guys its Adiva !
So im doing back to school hacks #2 check out my previous hacks in my last blog, anyway now to the hacks ...

1- Take post it notes and write down the things you have to do ASAP and stick it on your desk or your mirror or maybe even you phone, just any place u would look at the most
2- if you have any extra school supplies (i.e- pencils, pens, washi tape) buy stroage boxes and store them in there and label it so the next time you need them you know where to get it. (YOU CAN GET THE BOXES AT IKEA) 
3- when you're studying for a test chew a flavored gum then during your test chew the same flavored gum for better memory 
4- if you keep forgetting your classes throughout the day just set your schedule  as your lock screan so you dont have to keep looking in you bag for your schedule 
5- design your school notebooks with positive things like quotes or colourful designs. It encourages you to study 
6- get a tiny storage holder and place it next to your door, fill it with things like lipbalm, a mini perfume, sanitizer  or just anything you think u might forget or u want to put on as you leave the house 
7- you have a math test coming up and you need help ? Go on mathway.com 
8-make a schedule of what subject you want to study each day and for how long. That way you're more organized 
9-get a mirror for your locker just so you can touch up throughout the day 
10- if you feel really lazy or get tired quickly in a certain area try switching up your environment, try moving to another room or maybe turning on music 

Thats all for this blog ! 
I'll be doing more back to school hacks tell me what you wanna see in the comments !! 
I love you guys so much,
Adiva x 

Sunday 30 August 2015

Back to school hacks #1

Hey guys its Adiva !
So here comes school again ... Im so confused where summer went ?! 
The time flew by so quick. All the YouTubers have been uploading back to school videos and im just like nooo i dont want school to start!!! All the American schools have started but I dint go to an American school I go to a British School so my school starts next Sunday, AHHHHH 
I'll be giving you guys some hacks that you can use for back to school season. Tell me what is your fav hack and i'll be doing more of these stay tuned for the next blog! 

Back to school life hacks 
1- always make sure you have extra pens / pencils incase your friends take yours and dont give it back cause lets be real they arent givin it back 
2- this tip if for girls - make sure you always have an emergency kit in your bag with floss, pads, hair ties, lipbalm and a mini perfume 
3- always carry an extra notepad for the first week to make sure u have everything important written down 
4- you could decorate your notebooks by using coulouful washi tape and printing out pictures that you like, that way your notebook would look really attractive! 
5- always have an extra outfit in your locker like a basic shirt and pants incase you have an accident in school 
6- if you dont wanna keep a full outfit in your locker just keep a long cardigan so if you drop coffee in the morning the cardigan  will cover it up plus it looks super cute ! 
7- your gym shoes smell? Well just put some fragment in them over night and your shoes will smell good as new in the morning ! 

Thats all the tips and hacks for now i'll be doing more !! 
I love you guys so much ,
Adiva x 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

My trip to Paris summer 2015 !

Hey guys its Adiva ! 
So this summer i went to paris for a week and can i just say i had a BLAST!! 
It was so much fun, oh and that was the first time i'd been there.
I really enjoyed seeing the veiw from the top of the effiel tower and seeing Leonardo da vinci's famous painting 'Mona Lisa' . And I couldn't miss seeing 'the last supper 'painting at  the Louvre Museum. 
I also really enjoyed shopping at the abecrombie store and picking up things from the biggest mall in Paris Galeries. But the best part was Disney Land !!! 

The view from the Effiel Tower is marvelous! Oh how beautiful it was (I'll insert a pic)

Disney land was so much fun, I literally stood for an hour  in line for the rollar coasters but it was all worth it! I saw the mickey parade it was so much fun. I also went to the haunted house and wow it was hella cluster phobia. I bought the Minnie Mouse ears also it was so cute ! 

Thats all for this blog 
I love you guys so much !!! 
Adiva x